• Mailbox Rebuild For Groupwise Mac Client

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    One of the internet providers has come out with a new wireless router. Cisco easyvpn client for mac. The issue we have is, our mac users can no longer access anything once connected to the vpn. We have mac and pc clients using the cisco vpn client software both configured with the same settings.

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    Gotoassist client for mac. Steps to Convert Unlimited GroupWise Mailboxes or Archives into Outlook PST Eric Simson Updated on October 16, 2018 GroupWise Server 19 Comments GroupWise from Novell is a platform that supports messaging and collaboration. Chat clients for windows 10.

    Rebuild Mac Mailbox

    Groupwise 7 caching mailbox + VPN client
    Hello one of our user is connected to the company via a cisco vpn client. The first time he tries to synchronise his mailbox, it works. But after 5 minutes Groupwise try to sync. again and say connection error.. ! Groupwsie is not able to sync again. Every other applications works fine.. Regards Tobias Tobias, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply. Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Do a search of our..
    Client in caching mode reports 'has encountered a problem with your mailbox.. rebuild..
    Hi All I have a user here that keeps getting a message in his caching mailbox. 'GroupWise has encountered a problem with your mailbox. GroupWise can rebuild your mailbox to avoid further problems. Rebuild now (this may take several minutes)?' No matter what he does, rebuild or not, it reappears after a week. He has syncronizing via GWMobile to his Nokia phone enabled. I've done both a content check and fix and a structural check and fix on the POA for his account, no problems reported. What to do? -- Best regards Fribse * Netwareguy, is deleting the ca..
    GroupWise Clients that Cache do not update their GroupWise Address books
    I am running GroupWise 6.0 Sp3 POA/MTA/GWIA/WEBACCESS and clients. Some of my employees are running their GroupWise in Cache mode and some are running in Online mode. I added a new employee to the GroupWise post office at noon yesterday and it now approx. 8:00 am the next day and the Cache clients do not see the new employees name in their contacts list. However the Online and Webaccess clients do. Why are the Cache clients so slow to update, they get mail OK? I noticed this when I added a contact in Webaccess and it took three days to get to my Cache address book. I have t..
    How to access Groupwise 6 mailbox from Groupwise 5 client
    We have just installed a Groupwise 6 post office and are gradually moving our Groupwise 5 users onto the system. The Groupwise 5 post office still exists and is used by the majority of our users. Our Helpdesk staff need to be able to login to mailboxes which are on both the Groupwise 5 and Groupwise 6 Post Offices. Can both clients exist and work on the same PC ? At present we get errors at the GW5 client when trying to access a GW6 mailbox ' THE VIEWS FOR YOUR INSTALLATION ARE NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY . CONTACT YOUR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ' I think there may be a file w..
    Groupwise Client Rebuilds
    I have several of my groupwise clients that are constantly wanting to rebuild. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this. Thanks, No error codes reported ??? -- Best Regards Tommy Mikkelsen IT Quality A/S Denmark Please Report back any success or failure, That way we all learn ..
    Groupwise Client caching
    Groupwise client is not sending random messages. In the sent items folder several messages have the icon that indicates the messages are waiting to be uploaded. What you would see when caching or in remote mode. These users are not using caching or remote mode. Most messages are being sent without any problems, there are a few that are not being sent. These messages seem to be random. I have not found a common link between them. Please help Jeff, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered t..
    Caching client and mailbox moves
    I have some users that are going to be moved from one post office to another and they run in caching mode. I know for users in online mode, they would change the IP or DNS name for the server and possibly the Port number if it's not 1677, to get into their new post office after the move is complete, but what about caching users? Will the system be able to autodetect that their mailbox has moved or is there a configuration setting that needs to changed on the client? Thanks Dave >Will the system be able to autodetect that their mailbox has moved or is >there a confi..
    problem rebuilding caching mailbox
    I have a number of users in caching mode at my remote offices. They have begun getting the following message with increasing frequency since upgrading them to the 8.0.0 client. 'GroupWise has encountered a problem with your mailbox. GroupWise can rebuild your mailbox to avoid further problems. Rebuild now?' In most cases, the rebuild completes after 15-30 minutes, but his happens entirely too often, and NEVER occurred with GroupWise 6.5.6. Today, one of my users got this message, but the rebuild failed. He may have become impatient and turned off his computer while..
    GroupWise Mailbox Cap in Other Clients?
    Hi all, This may be a strange question and possibly the wrong place to post it. Please bear with me.. A user of mine was having quite an odd problem a couple of months ago. Opening her GroupWise email in any other client but GroupWise would only show a specific maximum number of messages. At the time, I of course knew what the number was, so I could search using Google appropriately. Some guy in some Google Group somewhere mentioned this cap and the exact number. Now I need to know that number again. Does anybody out there know the maximum number of messages GroupWise will ..
    Client Cache mailbox issue
    The Setup: GW 7.01 system. NW 6.5 SP6 XP Pro SP2 NW Client 4.91 sp3 with current patches *** Issue: Drive Failed, but was able to get the DB files from the DO and PO. Rebuilt server and GW system. Was able to graf all object back just fine. On the client side, each mailbox is setup to use caching. After attaching back to the GW system, the Cabinet items and the contacts removed themselves from the local client!!! Sent items, mail, junk mail, and trash remained. GW 6.5 DID NOT DO THIS!! Is this normal in 7? Please advise!!! Thank you!!! Tom This was also the case with GW6.5 ..
    restore groupwise from caching client
    Is there a method to restore the clients caching mailbox to the post office on the server? Also is there a method to make the caching client the 'master' over the server meaning that the caching client would be the only one that could delete items. Nope Cheers Dave -- Dave Parkes [NSCS] Occasionally resident at http://support-forums.novell.com/ no direct way. in one case my client lost his groupwis eserver. his backup did not work. He did have caching clients. used the gwimport tool to recreate user with same fid...since the online is masdte and..
    Caching mailbox on a Mac client
    I'm very impressed with the GW6.5 Mac client, but caching mode doesn't seem to work. I can specify a caching mailbox location in Preferences, but changing the mode over doesn't seem to do anything. What am I missing? Seem to have fixed the problem for myself. One of the two following things cured it: - Creating the caching mailbox called gwcache directly off the root of my home directory (not in a subdirectory of ~ as I'd previously done) - Starting GroupWise.app with the Internet connection down, letting it complain about not being to connect to the live server,..
    What if..GroupWise Client in cache mode
    access a restored post office (from a previous full backup)? Items contained in the local copy of the client mailbox database will synchronize with the server side copy uploading all delta items or server will take back the local copy? Who wins: server or client cache? GW 7.0.3 HP1 (Windows Client & Linux POA) -- rlaverde ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, rlaverde wrote: > Who wins: server or client cache? Server. Workaround: Archive while in caching mode, then unarchive. CU, -- Massimo Rosen Novell Produc..
    groupwise 7 caching + vpn client
    Hello we have an employee in shanghai. he connects to the company via a vpn client. The first time the caching mailbox will update, the next update try received an connection error. VPN is still connected and everything else works perfect only groupwise.. Do somebody know what to do? Regards Tobias Brenzinger Hi, is the connectivity up and running? * do a ping from the client to the poa s address. * do a telnet to this address at port 1677 (or where ever you poa s port is). You should see something like this: gerd@TNW-GZ-SLED:~> telnet 1677 Trying ..