• Database Client For Mac


    RazorSQL is an SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool for Windows, macOS, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris. RazorSQL has been tested on over 40 databases, can connect to databases via either JDBC or ODBC, and includes support for the following databases.

    ODBC is fairly complex (both to work against and to implement providers for) and is very much tied to relational databases.

    It's also unevenly implemented: On Windows there's native Microsoft-provided ODBC (but in terms of focus it has been superceded by ADO, which superceded OLE DB, which was supposed to be the replacement for ODBC — it's not like Microsoft ever settles on a single technology), and on Unix there's UnixODBC. I don't know about the driver quality; I suspect Windows ODBC drivers are quite good, whereas JDBC has been favoured by the server/enterprise world for a while, and I would not be surprised if UnixODBC drivers were a bit behind the times.

    As for the Borland dev tools, they also used their own proprietary data source tech: The BDE (Borland Database Engine), which had an ODBC bridge built in. I remember being quite fed up with the BDE at the time, and eventually started using a set of native ODBC components that someone developed.

    Database Client Macosx

    Mariadb Client Mac

    Cocoa does have a sort of rich data framework that you refer to: Core Data. Unfortunately it's quite complex, and not really designed to be a common interface to databases, but rather a sort of data abstraction layer where you work with objects and never see any SQL.